Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Initial configuration of cisco router

Setting console password

 Router(config)#line console 0

Router(conifg-line)#password cisco

Router(conifg-line)# login

note : This command sets the console password as 'cisco'

Setting telnet password

Router(config)#line vty 0 4

Router(conifg-line)#password cisco

Router(conifg-line)# login

note: In this case the 5 user can login to router at the same time using the vty line 0 through 4

Setting AUX port password

Router(config)#line aux 0

Router(conifg-line)#password cisco

Router(conifg-line)# login

To set privillege mode password

 There are two types of privillege mode passwords. Old method uses clear text format (we can see the password in running coniguration) and the new method uses MD5 hashed password. We can set both passwords if both set, the new method will get precedence and it will be the privillege mode password.

Old method:

Router(config)#enable password cisco

New method:

Router(config)#enable secret cisco

note: both command set passaword as 'cisco'

How to hide password using level 7 encryption

Router(config)#service password-encryption

To change the hostname of a router

Router(config)#hostname LABROUTER

This command will change the hostname of router and the prompt will look like the following


We can change the host name back to default using "no hostname' command or we can change the name using the same command with different hostname

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